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1. 中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会副理事长
2. 中国钢结构协会冷弯型钢分会副理事长
3. 第一二届全国建筑构配件标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC454)委员
4. 中国建筑金属结构协会钢结构专家委员会委员
5. 中国钢结构协会理事
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支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg上传附件
支持扩展名:.rar .zip .doc .docx .pdf .jpg .png .jpeg1. 主持国家自然科学基金项目《大跨度波纹钢板综合管廊结构土-钢动力作用机理及抗震性能》(52478203),2025.01-2028.12
2. 主持国家自然科学基金项目《大跨度波纹钢板综合管廊结构土-钢作用机理及承载能力研究》(51978564),2020.01-2023.12
3. 主持国家自然科学基金项目《结构用泡沫钢材本构模型及泡沫钢构件受力性能研究》(51478380),2015.01-2018.12
4. 主持国家自然科学基金项目《高强钢组合偏心支撑钢框架抗震性能研究》(51178382),2012.01-2015.12
5. 主持国家自然科学基金项目《高层建筑新型混合连肢墙结构体系的抗震性能及设计对策》(50878182),2009.01-2011.12
6. 主持十三五国家重大专项子课题《模块化钢结构低多层居住建筑体系设计研究》(2016YFC07015033)
7. 主持陕西省自然科学基金项目《交错桁架结构体系的性能及破坏机理》(2001C31)
8. 主持陕西省自然科学基金项目《高层建筑新型混合连肢墙的抗震性能》(SJ08E209)
9. 参加“十一五”科技支撑计划子课题《冷弯薄壁型钢住宅成套关键技术研发》(2006BAJ04A0204)
10. 参加“十一五”科技支撑计划子课题《既有建筑耐久性及其他性能检测与评定技术研究》(2006BAJ03A0203)
11. 参加科技部专项基金《交错桁架体系楼板的抗震性能和体系改进研究》(2004EG131165)
12. 参加科技部专项基金《门式刚架抗震性能试验研究及理论分析》(NCSTE2007JKZX258)
1. Zhang Hao, Su Mingzhou, Yuan Sen, et al.Mechanical behavior evaluation of stainless steel anchor channels with channelbolts under uniaxial tension[J]. Construction and Building Materials.2024,416:135268
2. Zhang Chenqian, Su Mingzhou. Bearingcapacity of bolted longitudinal seams of corrugated steel structures undercompression[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2024, 213: 108416
3. Wang Qinglin, Su Mingzhou, DengZhengzhen, et al. Seismic performance and shear capacity of modular steelstructures infilled with cold-formed steel walls using a novel connectionsystem[J]. Engineering Structures. 2023,289:116322
4. Li Tengfei, Su Mingzhou, Guo Jiangran,et al. A distributed remote collaborative hybrid test method for complexsubstructures based on OpenFresco[J]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2023,21(9): 4481-4510
5. Wang Qinglin, Su Mingzhou, Chen Rongde,et al. Seismic performance and shear capacity of modular steel frames infilledwith cold-formed steel walls with openings[J]. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 187:110744
6. Li Tengfei, Su Mingzhou, Guo Jiangran,et al. Seismic performance evaluation of Y-shaped eccentric brace-high-strengthsteel frame structure based on remote collaborative hybrid test[J]. SoilDynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2023, 164: 107621
7. 李腾飞, 苏明周, 郭江然. 基于多目标性能的高强钢组合K形偏心支撑框架塑性设计方法研究[J]. 建筑结构学报. 2023, 44(01): 10-22
8. Wang Qinglin, Su Mingzhou. Lateraldisplacement mode of column-supported modular steel structures with semi-rigidconnections[J]. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, 62: 105397
9. Li Tengfei, Su Mingzhou, Guo Jiangran. Aplastic design method based on multi-objective performance for high-strengthsteel composite K-shaped eccentrically braced frame[J]. Journal ofConstructional Steel Research. 2022,198:107562
10. Zhang Chenqian, Su Mingzhou, ZhuChenghao, et al. Bearing performance of high-strength bolted corrugated steellongitudinal seams[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research.2022,198:107538
11. Lang Kun, Su Mingzhou. Equivalentorthotropic model for corrugated plates based on simplified constitutiverelation[J]. Heliyon. 2022,8,(11):11264
12. Zhou Qiaoling, Su Mingzhou, Shi Yun, etal. Influence of coupling ratio on seismic behavior of hybrid coupled partiallyencased composite wall system[J]. Structural Design of Tall and SpecialBuildings. 2022,31,(10):e1934
13. Li Tengfei, Su Mingzhou, Sui Yan, etal. Real-time hybrid simulation of a space substructure based on high-strengthsteel composite Y-eccentrically braced frames[J]. Structural Control &Health Monitoring. 2021,28,(8):e2771
14. Wang Qinglin, Su Mingzhou. Stabilitystudy on sway modular steel structures with semi-rigid connections[J].Thin-Walled Structures. 2021,161:107529
15. Li Tengfei, Su Mingzhou, Guo Jiangran.Hybrid simulation tests of high-strength steel composite K-eccentrically bracedframes with spatial substructure[J]. Steel and Composite Structures.2021,38,(4):381-397
16. Li Tengfei, Su Mingzhou, Sui Yan, etal. Real-time hybrid simulation on high strength steel frame with Y-shapedeccentric braces[J]. Engineering Structures. 2021,226:111369
17. 王清霖, 苏明周. 钢结构集成房屋模块间十字形板-端板连接节点轴压性能研究[J]. 建筑结构学报. 2021,42,(03):163-174
18. 李腾飞, 苏明周, 隋龑, 等. 高强钢组合Y形偏心支撑框架抗震性能混合试验研究[J]. 工程力学. 2021,38,(02):221-231
19. Zhang Hao, Su Mingzhou, Lian Ming, etal. Experimental and numerical study on the seismic behavior of high-strengthsteel framed-tube structures with end-plate-connected replaceable shearlinks[J]. Engineering Structures. 2020,223:111172
20. Cheng Qianqian, Su Mingzhou, Lian Ming,et al. Cyclic behavior of high-strength steel framed-tube structures withbolted replaceable shear links[J]. Engineering Structures. 2020, 210: 110395
1.《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规范》(GB 51022-2015)
2.《装配式钢结构建筑技术规范》(GB/T 51232-2016)
3.《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》(JGJ 99-2015)
4.《交错桁架钢结构设计规程》(JGJ/T 329-2015)
5.《低层冷弯薄壁型钢房屋建筑技术规程》(JGJ 227-2011)
1. 《门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规范》GB 51022-2015, 华夏建设科学技术奖励一等奖,2020
2. 《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》,华夏建设科学技术奖励一等奖,2018
3. 钢构件、连接在循环荷载作用下的破坏机理及抗震设计对策,陕西省科学技术二等奖,2012
4. 钢构件在循环荷载作用下的非线性相关屈曲,江苏省科技进步三等奖,2006
5. 冷弯薄壁型钢住宅成套关键技术开发,华夏建设科学技术三等奖,2013